+7(495) 939-44-06/05 dekan.hsscm@org.msu.ru
Дополнительный набор
на все программы
приём документов с 15 по 25 августа

Master studies

In 2021 the faculty admits to 5 master's programs in "Management":

Required documents

Personal application of the applicant (filled in personally when submitting or online - webanketa.msu.ru).

To participate in the competition, the applicant must submit the following documents (documents are submitted to the faculty admission Committee personally by the applicant):

Documents are accepted from June 20 (Monday-Friday from 10.00 to 18.00; Saturday from 10.00 to 14.00; on Sundays documents are not accepted.): Lomonosovsky Prospekt, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 27, bldg.4 (Shuvalovsky building), sector G, room 268, 270.

Duration, form and cost of training

Full-time and part-time form (evenings). Duration of education is 2 years and 5 months. The cost of training in 2021 is 241.25 thousand roubles per year.

Full-time (full-time). Duration of education is 2 years. The cost of training in 2021 is 383.55 thousand rubles per year. For foreign citizens - 418.47 thousand rubles per year. Payment by semester.

© Higher School of Policy in Culture and Administration in Humanities (faculty Lomonosov Moscow State University) • 2025
+7(495) 939-44-06/05 dekan.hsscm@org.msu.ru